Webinar - Covid-19: Beyond Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Dia:  06-10-2020

A Ordem dos Enfermeiros divulga o convite para o Webinar Internacional "Covid 19: Beyond Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)", a decorrer 6 de Outubro de 2020, a partir das 11h00.


Este webinar fala-nos sobre a eficácia das soluções de Iodopovidona (Betadine®) frente ao SARS-CoV-2, contando enquanto palestrante uma das virologistas (Dra. M. Eggers) que efetuou os estudos da sua eficácia contra os coronavírus. 


O Webinar é organizado pela EMG-health e conta com o patrocínio da Mylan.


Para se inscrever no Webinar, clique aqui, ou na imagem do convite.


As there is currently no vaccine to prevent infection with SARS-CoV-2 virus, the cause of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), the best way to prevent it is to avoid being exposed to this virus. Additionally basic infection prevention measures, such as frequent hand washing and rigorous environmental cleaning and disinfection, must be emphasized in order to prevent virus transmission.


This webinar will present some updates on SARS-CoV-2, it will answer questions about the value of oral hygiene by gargling and the possible need for augmenting protocols recommended by the World Health Organization by using products with proven in vitro virucidal activity against SARS-CoV-2. You will also learn more on the big challenges facing antiseptics in 2020.